
How do I create a queue that holds boost::packaged_task<> with functions that return arbitrary types?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-03 13:42 出处:网络
I\'m trying to construct a work queue of functions that need to be executed by one thread and can be fed by many threads. To accomplish this, I was planning on using the boost::packaged_task and boost

I'm trying to construct a work queue of functions that need to be executed by one thread and can be fed by many threads. To accomplish this, I was planning on using the boost::packaged_task and boost::unique_future. The idea would be you would do:

Foo value = queue.add(myFunc).get();

which would block, until the function is executed. So queue.add(...) takes in a boost::function, and returns a boost::unique_future. Internally it then creates a boost::packaged_task using the boost::function for its constructor.

The problem I'm running into is that boost::function<...> won't be the same every time. Specifically, the return value for it will change (the functions, however, will never take any parameters). Thus, I have to have an add function that looks something like:

template <typename ResultType>
boost::unique_future<ResultType> add(boost::function<ResultType ()> f) {
   boost::packaged_task<boost::function<ResultType ()> > task(f);
   return task.get开发者_运维技巧_future();

Okay, that doesn't seem too bad, but then I ran into the problem of how to define 'queue'. I think I have no choice but to use boost::any, since the types will not be constant:

std::list<boost::any> queue; // note: I'm not concerned with thread-safety yet

But then I run into a problem when I try to implement my executeSingle (takes just a single item off the queue to execute):

void executeSingle() {
    boost::any value = queue.back();
    boost::packaged_task<?> task = boost::packaged_task<?>(boost::move(value));
    // actually execute task

The '?' denote what I'm unsure about. I can't call executeSingle with a template, as it's called from a separate thread. I tried using boost::any, but I get the error:

  conversion from 'boost::any' to non-scalar type  boost::detail::thread_move_t<boost:thread>' requested.

The funny part is, I actually don't care about the return type of packaged_task at this point, I just want to execute it, but I can figure out the template details.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

You should store boost::function<void()>'s. Note that boost::packaged_task<R>::operator() doesn't return anything; it populates the associated boost::future. In fact, even if it returned something you could still use boost::function<void()> since you'd still have no interest in the returned value: all you care about is to call queue.back()(). If this were the case boost::function<void()>::operator() would take care of discarding the returned value for you.

As a minor note, you might want to change the signature of your add method to be templated on a generic type Functor rather than a boost::function, and use boost::result_of to get the result type for boost::packaged_task.

My suggestion as a whole:

template<typename Functor>
boost::future<typename boost::result_of<Functor()>::type>
queue::add(Functor functor) // assuming your class is named queue
    typedef typename boost::result_of<Functor()>::type result_type;
    boost::packaged_task<result_type> task(functor);
    boost::unique_future<result_type> future = task.get_future();
    internal_queue.push_back(boost::move(task)); // assuming internal_queue member
    return boost::move(future);

    // Note: do you really want LIFO here?


How to take care of move-semantics inside queue::add

typedef typename boost::result_of<Functor()>::type result_type;
typedef boost::packaged_task<result_type> task_type;
boost::shared_ptr<task_type> task = boost::make_shared<task_type>(functor);
boost::unique_future<result_type> future = task->get_future();

/* boost::shared_ptr is possibly move-enabled so you can try moving it */
internal_queue.push_back( boost::bind(dereference_functor(), task) );

return boost::move(future);

where dereference_functor could be:

struct dereference_functor {
    template<typename Pointer>
    operator()(Pointer const& p) const

You could also substitute the bind expression for the much clearer

boost::bind(&task_type::operator(), task)

which also doesn't require a custom functor. However if there are multiple overloads of task_type::operator() this might need disambiguation; the code could also break if a future change in the Boost.Thread introduce an overload.

You use old-fashioned virtual functions. Define a base class task_base with a virtual execute method, then define a template derived class which holds a specific task instance. Something along the lines:

struct task_base {
  virtual void execute() = 0;
template<typename ResultType>
struct task_holder : task_base {
  task_holder(boost::packaged_task<boost::function<ResultType ()> >&& task)
    : m_task(task) { }
  void execute() {
  boost::packaged_task<boost::function<ResultType ()> > m_task;

And define your queue to hold unique_ptr<task_base>. This is essentially what boost::any does, only you'd be using a specific function, namely execute.

NOTE: Untested code! And I'm still not very familiar with rvalue references. This is just to give you the idea of how the code would look.

Somewhat belatedly, but you might want to consider using Boost.Asio instead of rolling your own queue-runner solution.

While this grew up as an I/O library it does support asynchronous calls just like this. Simply define an io_service somewhere, run it inside a thread, and then post functors to get called on that thread.



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