
How come Factory Girl isn't sequencing unique attributes?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-07 11:59 出处:网络
My controll开发者_开发知识库er spec fails because Factory Girl seems to be creating non-unique Users even though I sequence the User attributes that need to be unique.

My controll开发者_开发知识库er spec fails because Factory Girl seems to be creating non-unique Users even though I sequence the User attributes that need to be unique.

The Errors

  1) TopicsController POST #create when topic is invalid should render new
     Failure/Error: let(:invalid_topic) {Factory.build :invalid_topic}
     ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid:Validation failed: Email has already been taken, Username has already been taken

  2) TopicsController POST #create when topic is valid should redirect to show
     Failure/Error: let(:valid_topic) {Factory.build :topic}
       Validation failed: Email has already been taken, Username has already been taken

The Controller Spec (RSpec)

  describe "POST #create" do                          
    let(:valid_topic) {Factory.build :topic}
    let(:invalid_topic) {Factory.build :invalid_topic}

    context "when topic is invalid" do
      it "should render new" do
        post :create, :topic => invalid_topic
        response.should render_template(:new)
    context "when topic is valid" do
      it "should redirect to show" do
        post :create, :topic => valid_topic
        response.should redirect_to(topic_path(assigns(:topic)))

The Factories

Factory.define :user do |f|
  f.sequence(:username) { |n| "foo#{n}"}
  f.password "password"
  f.password_confirmation { |u| u.password}
  f.sequence(:email) { |n| "foo#{n}@example.com"}

Factory.define :topic do |f|
  f.name "test topic"
  f.association :creator, :factory => :user
  f.forum_id 1

Why isn't Factory Girl sequencing the User attributes when I use Factory.create :topic?

rake db:test:prepare seemed to fix the problem.

Not sure why, though. The schema hadn't been changed.

Please, consider using database_cleaner gem. One was designed specifically to fulfill the purpose of cleaning up database between test runs.

This post explains pretty much everything.

You should consider deleting all topics by hand in the end of the test. Of course, it is not number one solution but worked out for me real great.

after(:all) { Topic.delete_all }


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