
Mutil monitor mouse tracking

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-08 06:09 出处:网络
I have a need to track mouse position.While I have attempted several ways of doing this, I never am able to follow/capture the position if the mouse is on another monitor.

I have a need to track mouse position. While I have attempted several ways of doing this, I never am able to follow/capture the position if the mouse is on another monitor.

    public static extern bool GetCursorPos(ref Point pt);

    public static extern bool GetCursorInfo(out CURSORINFO pci);

    public void GetPosition(out int X, out int Y)
        Point pt = new Point(0, 0);
        X = Y = 0;

        if (MouseMonitor.GetCursorPos(ref pt))
            X = pt.X;
            Y = pt.Y;

This works but only on one screen. I also read that I might try GetCursorInfo. I have attempted this but it always comes back false. [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool GetCursorInfo(out CURSORINFO pci);

Any suggestions? My goal is to track mouse position (outsid开发者_运维问答e of my own app) regardless of what screen it is on.

Your sample code works for me on my dual-monitor system...

You can actually simplify things quite a bit by using the .NET Framework: the System.Windows.Forms.Cursor class has a static Position property.

For example, I created a new Windows Forms project and then dragged a System.Windows.Forms.Timer onto the form. I set the Enabled property to true, and added this code to the Tick event:

this.Text = string.Format("{0}, {1}", Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y);

Ran the project and it worked as expected on both my monitors...

Use DWORD GetMessagePos() - it gives you the last windows message mouse position. But be careful, it returns DWORD, but inside there are two SHORTS (16-bit signed ints) packed. So LOWORD/HIWORD macros (or C# respective) won't work.




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