
Vote_Fu Rails 3 plugin "uninitialized constant Juixe"

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-08 10:33 出处:网络
I\'ve recently tried to use the Vote_fu plugin to do some simple voting on my rails site.I was following this guide https://github.com/vshvedov/vote_fu_rails_3

I've recently tried to use the Vote_fu plugin to do some simple voting on my rails site. I was following this guide https://github.com/vshvedov/vote_fu_rails_3

I was able to download the plugin perfectly fine but when I tried to run rails g vote_fu MymodelName or rake db:migrate, they both returned uninitialized constant Juixe (NameError).

Has anyone else had this problem and do you have any solutions to help me fix it? Thanks for your help!

Edit: The full error is found here http://pasteb开发者_Python百科in.com/3AMGUn44



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