
Starting a subprocess via python multiprocessing hangs

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-10 04:25 出处:网络
I\'m using pyAudio to listen to the audio device and do some \"stuff\" in the background while the main program continues to run.

I'm using pyAudio to listen to the audio device and do some "stuff" in the background while the main program continues to run.

I started out with a second script, but would like to consolidate into a single script for supportability. When I moved the functions in and use Process to start up the listener it simply hangs and never runs.

Here's the simplified snippets of code:

        def listener(self, q):
            CHANNELS = 2
            RATE = 44100
            INPUT_BLOCK_TIME = 0.05
            FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
            RATE = 44100

            p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
            stream = p.open(format = FORMAT,
                        channels = CHANNELS,
                        rate = RATE,
                        input = True,
                        frames_per_buffer = INPUT_FRAMES_PER_BLOCK)
            import time

        def startListener(self):
            q = Queue()
            p = Process(target=self.listener, args=[q])
            print q.get()

Now if I remove the following stream setup then I get the process ID back as expected:

           stream = p.open(format = FORMAT,
                        channe开发者_C百科ls = CHANNELS,
                        rate = RATE,
                        input = True,
                        frames_per_buffer = INPUT_FRAMES_PER_BLOCK)

Is there something about multiprocessing and threading I am missing? Is this a bad idea? Should I stick with keeping the listener code in a separate script?

Thanks in advance!

The __init__ method for pyaudio.open() is:

__init__(self, PA_manager, rate, channels, format, input=False, output=False, input_device_index=None, output_device_index=None, frames_per_buffer=1024, start=True, input_host_api_specific_stream_info=None, output_host_api_specific_stream_info=None) 

According to the Docs on their website. You don't seem to be setting a PA_manager which looks like a required parameter.



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