
How can I use && with my own functions?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-10 22:44 出处:网络
Running this prints out both statements #!开发者_高级运维/bin/bash echo \"Hello\" && echo \"World\"

Running this prints out both statements

echo "Hello" && echo "World"

However, running this only prints out "Hello"

message() {
  echo "Hello"
  return 1
message && echo "World"

Why doesn't this work and how can I change my script so that it does?

An "exit" value of 0 means success while anything else means failure. and the && operator doesn't execute the right hand side if the left hand side fails (that is if it returns non-zero)

So change the return 1 to return 0

return 1 (or anything else which is not 0) means false to bash, which means the second command will not be called.

Use return 0 (this means true), or chain them using other operators (like || or ;.)

As mentioned in a comment, technically bash doesn't have boolean values, and && and || are not described as "boolean short-circuit operators" in the manual, but "control operators". As a && b means "run b if and only if a succeeded", and "success" is defined as a zero exit code (and the command true always returns 0, while false returns 1), the net effect is the same as what I described above.

In bash a return value of 1 indicates an error.

Try return 0

&& executes the second instruction only if the first one is successful, i.e. has a 0 result

Remove the return statement in your message() function.



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