
GIT SHA id of a file on remote git branch

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-12 05:39 出处:网络
I would like to know if there is any command available to get the SHA id of a parti开发者_如何学编程cular file on a given specific git branch on the GIT remote server?

I would like to know if there is any command available to get the SHA id of a parti开发者_如何学编程cular file on a given specific git branch on the GIT remote server?

Thanks, Srinivas

git lsremote is one of the few commands running against a remote repo, as explained in "Show git logs for range of commits on remote server?".
But it will only display SHA1 on refs (tags, branches, ...), not a specific file.

For a file, you need first to fetch the remote repo, and then you can query your information on a specific file.

Thanks for the reply..

I got below command working to meet my scenario for now.. but trying to see if there is any direct command to find the latest ID of a file on remote server...

git log 'branch-name' -- 'file-name'

which displaying log messages with ID, Author and Date.. I am fetching the top first line with unix pipe head command.

git log 'branch-name' -- 'file-name' | head -1



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