
JSF/Seam messages.properties without _xx which language is that?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-12 18:11 出处:网络
i just wanted to know as which language the default messages.properties is read. i thought that it is the in the faces-config.xml configured default locale is:

i just wanted to know as which language the default messages.properties is read.

i thought that it is the in the faces-config.xml configured default locale is:


it contains no <message-bundle> tag,i created a messages.properties, messages_en.properties and messages_de.properties. To access the values i use this code

ResourceBundle resourceBundle = SeamResourceBundle.getBundle();
String bundleMessage = resourceBundle.getString("key.something");

In the menu i used this to show (and switch) the language what works fine

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{localeSelector.localeString}">
  <f:selectItems value="#{localeSelector.supportedLocales}"/>

Now it doesn't matter what language i select, je always uses the messages.properties and not _de or _en. Do i need a concrete class for <message-bundle> to find also the _de and _en resource bundles?


ResourceBundle resourceBundle = SeamResourceBundle.getBundle();
java.util.Locale locale = resourceBundle.getLocale();

Contains always the correct locale de or en but always uses messages.properties and if this file is deleted, returns just the key as if he found no other file. The messages*.properties are in the /WEB-INF/classes folder.

i tried now to take Map<String, String> messages = org.jboss.seam.international.Messages.instance(); It contains also the values from messages.properties and not _de or _en

Using #{messages[key.label]} in the *.xhtml file also returns just the messages.properties values but not from _de or _en.

But a messages_de properties or _en directly in the xyz.war file with a <a4j:loadBundle var="i18n" basename="messages"/> does work. (thats how i did the i18n in the "not Java" frontend)

two more tries always return just the default properties and not _de or _en

resourceBundle =  context.getApplication().getResourceBundle(context, "messages");

java.util.Locale locale = new java.util.Locale("de");
resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages",locale);

if i create a new messages2_de.properties and *_en* and use the code above, everything works fine.

java.util.Locale locale = new java.util.Locale开发者_JS百科("de");
resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages2",locale);

EDIT (Apparently JBoss Seam is a bit different) As this document says, you probably should not instantiate bundles yourself.
Instead, you would define bundles you want to use and let Seam read message for you:

@In("#{messages['Hello']}") private String helloMessage;

Generally getBundle() method of any of ResourceBundle derived implementations will give you invariant bundle if you omit Locale parameter. This is by design.

If you need to access localized version, you need to get Locale from UIViewRoot:

Locale locale = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale();
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = SeamResourceBundle.getBundle();
String bundleMessage = resourceBundle.getString("key.something");

I am not aware how your localeSelector bean is coded, but it too should set Locale in UIViewRoot.

Normally, the bundle without _xx is simply the bundle that is used if the key is not found in any of the more specific bundles for the current language.

Although I don't know what SeamResourceBundle exactly does, you do have to tell it somewhere what the 'current' language is. You say switching the language works, but what exactly do you do upon switching? At what point do you execute SeamResourceBundle.getBundle()?

Is key.something actually defined in all 3 bundles?

My bad. You couldn't find the error. The project had one messages.properties in /WEB-INF/classes and a second set(but without default properties) directly in the web content directory with the same names.

So i guess he took the only existing default messages.properties from the classes folder and the messages_de/en.properties from the web-content folder.



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