
Reactive Extensions Web Server

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-13 04:23 出处:网络
Just out of personal interest, I decided to try to write a basic web server using Reactive Extensions (aka Rx). Almost immediately, I came up against the following problem:

Just out of personal interest, I decided to try to write a basic web server using Reactive Extensions (aka Rx). Almost immediately, I came up against the following problem:

HttpListener's async pattern doesn't match the normal async pattern signature, the EndGetContext returns a HttpListenerContext instead of an IAsyncResult!

So my question is: is there a way around this?

Here's some code - the compiler (r开发者_C百科ightly) complains about the second argument to Observable.FromAsyncPattern:

Update - As Jon rightly pointed out, it wasn't the pattern, it's complaining that I haven't provided the return type - this works:

var observable = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<HttpListenerContext>(listener.BeginGetContext, listener.EndGetContext);

The original code:

using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace RxWebTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            HttpListener listener = new HttpListener();

                var observable = Observable.FromAsyncPattern(listener.BeginGetContext, listener.EndGetContext);


That is the normal pattern. It's BeginGetContext which returns IAsyncResult; EndGetContext takes an IAsyncResult and returns the result of the asynchronous operation - the context. That's exactly the same as (say) Stream.BeginRead/EndRead, where EndRead returns an int, the number of bytes read.

What happens when you try the code you've posted? I can't immediately see why it wouldn't work.

The trick to figuring out the template parameters for FromAsyncPattern, is to imagine you're creating a Func that is matching the synchronous version of the function.

In this case, the prototype is:

public HttpListenerContext GetContext()

Which means, my Func would look like:


Then, just take your template parameter and copy-paste it to the FromAsyncPattern.



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