
php email sending script not sending email

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-13 15:04 出处:网络
following is my script for send email inquiry.. the recipient email address was stored in a db called users.. this script will not work properly.. i think the problem is recipient email section.. beca

following is my script for send email inquiry.. the recipient email address was stored in a db called users.. this script will not work properly.. i think the problem is recipient email section.. because when i used a email address instead of $user it will work..

thanx help me

$refno = $HTTP_POST_VARS['refno'];
$proid = $HTTP_POST_VARS['proid'];
$name = $HTTP_POST_VARS['name'];
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
$msg = $HTTP_POST_VARS['msg'];

//connect db and find email address related to id
include 'db_connector.php';
$query=mysql_query("SELECT user_email FROM users WHERE id='".$id."'");

// recipient name
$recipientname = "'".$name."'";

// reci开发者_StackOverflow社区pient email
$recipientemail = $user ;

// subject of the email sent to you
$subject = "Inquiry for your advertisement No. (".$refno.")";

// send an autoresponse to the user?
$autoresponse = "no";

// subject of autoresponse
$autosubject = "Thank you for your inquiry!";

// autoresponse message
$automessage = "Thank you for your inquiry.! We'll get back to you shortly.



$message = "reference number : $refno


From $name $email 


// send mail and print success message
mail($recipientemail,"$subject","$message","From: $recipientname <$email>");

if($autoresponse == "yes") {
$autosubject = stripslashes($autosubject);
$automessage = stripslashes($automessage);
mail($email,"$autosubject","$automessage","From: $recipientname <$recipientemail>");



First of all, your query is SQL injectable. Never ever pass a variable coming from a POST request directly into an SQL query. Use mysql_real_escape().

As to your bug: it seems that $user does not contain a valid e-mail address. so, the Mysql query is not returning an e-mail address.

Use $_POST rather than $HTTP_POST_VARS.

Switch on error reporting by prepending these two lines to your PHP code:

PHP code:


Run your script again. Do you get any notices or warnings?

If not, try to display your query, by adding


just before the line that has the mysql_query command, and then run the query manually (e.g. using PhpMyAdmin or MySQL Query Browser) to see if you are actually getting a result that looks like an e-mail address.

Debug your PHP program.

Check out :

  • If the variables contain the supposed values.
  • Query is okay and returns result.
  • Proper header is set with mail function.
  • etc.

PHP manual have a good example to send mail.

Do not use $HTTP_POST_VARS['name']; it is deprecated use $_POST instead.

hey guys thanx for the help.. i found the error done in my inquiry form.. the id filed hidden outside of the form tag.. therefore the id value will not passed to the sendinq.php. i change it thank now the sendmail option work properly



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