
problem with RX and web service collection loading wp7

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-13 17:12 出处:网络
I\'m beginner with C# and wp7 platform and I have some problem with good idea to get request from web service.

I'm beginner with C# and wp7 platform and I have some problem with good idea to get request from web service.

I made webservice in PHP (nusoap - WSDL) and everything is working fine in "normal" using. Now I have ObservableCollection saved in IsolatedStorage with I load when Page is open (List of watched stacks exchange). Then I want to refresh data for every item from web service.

I don't know whether this is a good idea.


private GPWWebservicePortTypeClient client = new GPWWebservicePortTypeClient();
private ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues> StoredStock = 
           开发者_StackOverflow中文版           new ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues>();     
public const string _fileName = "listaObserwowanych.xml";
public Page()

   DataContext = App.ViewModel;

   this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Page_Loaded);

   client.GetLastValueCompleted +=
            new EventHandler<GetLastValueCompletedEventArgs>(client_GetLastValueCompleted);

   foreach (var itemGetValuese in App.ViewModel.Items)

   var o = 

void client_GetLastValueCompleted(object sender, GetLastValueCompletedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Error != null)
        ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues> ListValues = 

private void setList(IEvent<GetLastValueCompletedEventArgs> ex)
    List.ItemsSource = StoredStock;

void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    List.ItemsSource = App.ViewModel.Items;

Like u see I use RX to call method client_GetLastValueCompleted add store result to auxiliary variable (StoredStock). Then refresh List in setList method, but that method is client_GetLastValueCompleted what is not soo good idea, becouse I need to run that method only when all of runned GetLastValueAsync in foreach is completed. Second problem: becouse of async web service method StoredStock sometime have different order than App.ViewModel.Items .

Any good idea how to do that in right way? Best regards,


You're really mixing up a number of ways to call web services and Rx. You really need to decide on a single way and stick to it.

If you're going to use Rx, then you'll have something like this:

public Page()

    DataContext = App.ViewModel;

    this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Page_Loaded);

void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    var storedStock =
        new ObservableCollection<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues>();  

    List.ItemsSource = storedStock;

    var values =
        Observable.Using<WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues, GPWWebservicePortTypeClient>
            (() => new GPWWebservicePortTypeClient(), ws =>
                var clientGetLastValue = Observable
                    .FromAsyncPattern<string, GetLastValueResponse>
                    (ws.BeginGetLastValue, ws.EndGetLastValue);

                Func<string, WebServiceClass.ItemGetValues> deserializeFirst = r =>

                    from item in App.ViewModel.Items
                    from e in clientGetLastValue(item)
                    select deserializeFirst(e.Result);


You'll have to get the right method call names for your web service client, but the code should roughly be right. Let me know how you go.

I corrected the code above. Should have returned the query inside the Using call rather than assign it to values.

I corrected the call to FromAsyncPattern to use the correct method names and return type from the actual web service reference class sent via email.

It should look like this:

Observable.FromAsyncPattern<string, GetLastValueResponse>
    (ws.BeginGetLastValue, ws.EndGetLastValue);

If you're a beginner with C#, try to avoid RX for the time being. It is a cool technology, but if you use it without clear understanding of what is going on, it will bring more problems than solve.

Use a simple event, and when each async item arrives, locate and update the correspondent one in the stored list.



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