
Spring 3 validation method not validating

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-15 05:45 出处:网络
I\'m having some issues finding out how to validate in spring 3. What i have so far is this Java Bean....

I'm having some issues finding out how to validate in spring 3. What i have so far is this Java Bean....

public class User {

@Size(min=2, max=40)
private String name="";

private String email="";

public String getName(){
    return name;

public String getEmail(){
    return email;

public void setName(String name){


public void setEmail(String email){



This is the method that links to the page containing the form:

    @RequestMapping(value="/form", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String form(Model model){

    model.addAttribute("user",new User());
    return "form";

And this is the method in my controller, which "should" validate

public String displayUser(Model model,@Valid User user,BindingResult result){

       return "form";   

    return "displayUser";

The @Validate annotation should make the validation, but in my case it does not.

Do you see something wrong in my code?

by the way this is the form i have "all is very simple, this is just for test purposes

   <f:form method="post" action="displayUser" commandName="user">
 <table align="center" border="1">
  <td>Your details</td>
  <td><f:label path="name">Name:</f:label></td><td><f:input path="name" /></td><f:errors path="name"></f:errors>
   <td><f:label path="email">Email:</f:label></td><td><f:input path="email" /></td><f:errors path="name"></f:errors>
  <td><input type="submit" value="register" /></td>

Any advise? (i use java 5 and there the javax.validation.Validator isn't available)

Make sure to add javax.validation's validation-api and hibernate validator. If you use maven add the following on your dependencies:



Enable Spring annotation driven on your applicationContext

<mvc:annotation-driven />


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