
Import Hotmail Contacts

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-15 14:18 出处:网络
I am trying to allow users to import their Hotmail contacts to my site to invite friends. I am looking to write a custom PHP solution, not something like ht开发者_JAVA百科tp://openinviter.com/. I trie

I am trying to allow users to import their Hotmail contacts to my site to invite friends. I am looking to write a custom PHP solution, not something like ht开发者_JAVA百科tp://openinviter.com/. I tried the Live API, but it only outputs email hashes.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? It was super easy to setup on Yahoo! and Gmail, but Hotmail has me floored. I need this to work on PHP 5.3.

I'm assuming you looked at this and it didn't help you at all?

EDIT: looking at Windows Live Messenger Connect Reference, Version 5.0 it appears that if you can navigate your way around their OAuth 2.0 implementation there is a fairly reasonable REST api for Contact access. Is this what you've been arguing with? There's a question at Retrieving user profile on messenger(windows live) connect sdk within php that discusses the sample code at http://archive.msdn.microsoft.com/messengerconnect/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=4595. Given that you're offering a bounty I'll assume that you've already run this gauntlet, so I'll ask: have you gotten the OAuth to work at all, or are you still stuck there?

From Microsoft's documentation: Finding People Who a User Knows on a Website

I finally went with a work around / solution that requires the user to copy and past the "Print View" of their entire address book from Hotmail. Then I scrape the textarea input for email addresses using a regex statement.

While it is not ideal, it does work and my users don't seem to mind the copying and pasting since it is just one Copy/Paste for the entire address book. So far my users have imported 700 email addresses using this method and I have not received any bug reports or complaints about the work around I used.



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