
Showing the document after modification

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-15 20:59 出处:网络
After I made many changes to the HTML document using JSoup so what I did is I have a peocessing page where I fetch the page from the website and insert some tags to the head as follow:

After I made many changes to the HTML document using JSoup so what I did is I have a peocessing page where I fetch the page from the website and insert some tags to the head as follow:

 Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
 Element head=doc.select("head").first();

I want to display the document as an HTTP response (what I mean how to display the page in the browser)

I read about JSOUP but I could not find anything related to displaying the HTML document after making some modification!!


please I need help or guide and if my understanding is not good please tell me a good book to start learning JSoup

Your code doesn't insert tag. It actually fetches selecting html element by matching the tag.Jsoup is a unidirectional thing.It doesn't send data to the actul page.

For better understanding

see these



to show complete page in java see below


To display webpage in android




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