
How to run javascript function from aspx page?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-16 15:51 出处:网络
I have written some code there are 27 different functions that execute like this.. ElseIf websiteID = 15 Then

I have written some code there are 27 different functions that execute like this..

    ElseIf websiteID = 15 Then
                    parserTravelPost(hotelURL, hotelID, websiteID)
                    nextPageLink = ""
                ElseIf websiteID = 16 Then
                    parserTripAdviosr(hotelURL, hotelID, websiteID)
                    nextPageLink = ""
 开发者_如何学JAVA               ElseIf websiteID = 17 Then
                    parserTripTake(hotelURL, hotelID, websiteID)
                    nextPageLink = ""
                ElseIf websiteID = 18 Then ........

After every function i want a literal or any other way to tell the function is finished... example after the first function finish , the literal should shows example finished now starting function 2 ...

Any help/tips/code?

Thank you

you can simplay response.write the javascript code or you can use registerclicentscriptBlock in asp.net

//vb version

Dim scriptText As String
    scriptText = "return confirm('Do you want to submit the page?')"
    ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(Me.GetType(), _
        "ConfirmSubmit", scriptText)

hope it helps.



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