
Building WysiHat from source?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-17 18:34 出处:网络
I\'m trying to build 37 Signals\' WYSIWYG javascript framework from its source. (I\'m not a rails developer but I thought this would be fairly easy).

I'm trying to build 37 Signals' WYSIWYG javascript framework from its source. (I'm not a rails developer but I thought this would be fairly easy).

The instructions read:

You can build the latest version of WysiHat from source by running rake the root directory

I've tried running rake in the root of a sample rails app I made, with WYSIHAT as a directory in the app. The rake runs fine but the framework isn't built.

So I ran rake in the WYSIHAT directory, and it throws

no such file to load -- C:/rails/myapp开发者_开发知识库name/wysihat/vendor/sprockets/lib/spro

Am I way off here? Do I need to learn Rails in order to build this?

You haven't updated the submodules.

git submodule init
git submodule update


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