
how to read an http get request from a php server

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-18 02:07 出处:网络
I have a client in php who make开发者_如何转开发 an http get request to a server. that\'s the code:

I have a client in php who make开发者_如何转开发 an http get request to a server. that's the code:



function xml_post($xml_request)
    $url="http://localhost/malakies/server.php?xml=" . urlencode($xml_request);


    if (curl_errno($ch)){
    $ERR .= "cURL ERROR: ".curl_errno($ch).": ".curl_error($ch)."\n";

    return $result;

$result=xml_post("Send sth");
echo $result; ?>

and the server code:

$postdata = $_GET['xml'];
echo $postdata; ?>

All work perfect. But i have a question that it may be a rookie one:) I want in the server side to have sth like a listener that listens when an http get request have come and do sth with this request. i don't know if http request is the technique that gives me an option like this.. i want sth like that:

while(http request hasn't come yet) 
   just wait;
do sth with the http request.

Thank you in advance.

PHP script is ran automatically for each separate request. So actually PHP/Apache is already doing what you're asking for.

Maybe this is a bit confusing if you're coming from different programming language (like Java) where you typically have an event loop waiting for new connection.

On the other hand, maybe you had a specific situation in your mind. Please explain your requirements further if that's the case ...

Because your url "ends" in server.php, you need to place a file on your server named "server.php". If your curl script returns a 404 error, you don't have the file at the right location. Where you need to place the file, depends on the operating system. On Linux, this COULD be /var/www/. So you need to find out what your "document root" is. There you would create a subdir malakies. In the Linux example this would be /var/www/malakies/server.php. PHP will then execute the script inside your file when the request comes in. The data you pass will be placed in an associative array named $_GET. I suggest the following contents for server.php:

echo "Have a first line so you see something even when no data is passed\n";

xml_post in you curl function will then return (disregard the colors)

Have a first line so you see something even when no data is passed
Send sth

If it's not working, what's the error code you get?

I assumed that you have apache installed and that you want to catch the request with PHP.



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