
Problems with Arduino libraries in the Eclipse environment (__vector_XX)

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-19 05:24 出处:网络
I\'m trying to migrate an Arduino IDE based project to Eclipse. The project is prett开发者_如何学JAVAy big (10 .pde\'s, and about 20 libraries used). I followed the directions in Arduino playground -

I'm trying to migrate an Arduino IDE based project to Eclipse. The project is prett开发者_如何学JAVAy big (10 .pde's, and about 20 libraries used). I followed the directions in Arduino playground - Eclipse to compile the core libraries and to create a base project. All compiles very well when testing it with a simple LED-blink program.

For my application to work I also needed some more libraries (standard Arduino libraries, for example, SoftwareSerial, SPI, or Wire) and custom ones. I imported them like I did with the core library above (I created two more projects) and compiled them. All worked nicely.

After importing all .pde's to the base project in Eclipse, converting them to classes and cleaning up the code a little bit the last problem I can't get rid of are multiple variable definitions, causing errors like this:

./src/main.o: In function `__vector_37':
main.cpp:(.text.__vector_37+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_37'
./src/MyClass.o:MyClass.cpp:(.text.__vector_37+0x0): first defined here

The point is, I cannot find any __vector_XX variables anywhere in my code or included libraries with grep. Eclipse's hints regarding where to look for the cause also don't help much. What should I do?

[Taken from @mmm's link in the question comments]:

Fix for a similar issue.



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