
ColumnHeader arrows not reflected when sorting a DataGrid in XAML

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-23 07:25 出处:网络
I have a DataGrid with some sorting defined in XAML like so: <CollectionViewSource x:Key=\"DefaultSort\" Source=\"{Binding SearchResults}\">

I have a DataGrid with some sorting defined in XAML like so:

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="DefaultSort" Source="{Binding SearchResults}">
        <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="ExternalOrgNo" Direction="Ascending"/>
        <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="ExternalBranchNumber" Direction="Ascending"/>

The sorting is properly applied to the DataGrid but there is no indication of the sorting on the grid.

Looking at the view in the code behind I see the SortDescriptions in the collection and I've tried refreshing the view but it did not work.

How can I have the Co开发者_开发百科lumnHeader arrows properly reflect the status of the view's SortDescription collection initially?

UPDATE: I found an answer. I added the SortDirection to the DataGridTextColumn in the DataGrid. This added the ColumnHeader arrows.

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Ext Firm #" Binding="{Binding ExternalOrgNo}" DisplayIndex="4" SortDirection="Ascending" Visibility="Visible" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Ext Branch #" Binding="{Binding ExternalBranchNumber}" DisplayIndex="5" SortDirection="Ascending" Visibility="Visible" />

The OP doesn't look like to be a regular visitor so until that moment I post his solution as an answer:

Add the SortDirection to the DataGridTextColumn in the DataGrid. This added the ColumnHeader arrows.

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Ext Firm #" 
                    Binding="{Binding ExternalOrgNo}" 
                    Visibility="Visible" />
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Ext Branch #" 
                    Binding="{Binding ExternalBranchNumber}" 
                    Visibility="Visible" />


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