
How to know which keywords convert into goals

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-24 01:33 出处:网络
I have set up goals in Google Analytics. Also, I have merged Adwords and A开发者_JAVA技巧nalytics. At the moment I can see sources, but I can\'t see the exact keywords which made conversion.Create a c

I have set up goals in Google Analytics. Also, I have merged Adwords and A开发者_JAVA技巧nalytics. At the moment I can see sources, but I can't see the exact keywords which made conversion.

Create a custom report.

  1. Click the Custom Reporting button in the orange nav bar.
  2. Click the Add a New Report button.
  3. Select the metrics you want to see.
  4. Select source as the first dimension and Keyword as the second dimension.
  5. Click Save.

You'll be viewing information by keyword.



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