
How to tokenize a string without boost?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-24 20:44 出处:网络
I am work开发者_运维问答ing in C++. I have the following string: 2011-07-01T14:32:39.1846579+02:00

I am work开发者_运维问答ing in C++. I have the following string:


Can someone tell me how can I extract 2011-07-01 14:32 in another string?

You may take a look at std::istringstream and its >> operator (not as explicit as sscanf though).

I think that sscanf is what you are looking for :


You can then use snprintf to reformat the data.

If you have C++11, the simplest solution would be to use regular expresssions. It's also possible to use std::istringstream, especially if you have some additional manipulators for e.g. matching a single character. (If you don't, you probably should. The problem occurs often enough.) For something this simple, however, both of these solutions might be considered overkill: std::find for 'T', then for ' ' will give you an iterator for each of the two characters, and the double iterator constructors of std::string, will give you the strings, e.g.:

std::string::const_iterator posT = std::find( s.begin(), s.end(), 'T' );
std::string::const_iterator posSpace = std::find( posT, s.end(), ' ' );
std::string date( s.begin(), posT );
std::string time( posT != posSpace ? posT + 1 : posT , posSpace );

(You'll probably want better error handling that I've provided.)

you can use strsep() or strtok_r() to split this string in what you want with your separators (in your case 'T' and ':').



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