
Reading a big file cost too much memory in Python 2.7

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 02:44 出处:网络
I used .readline() to parse file line by line, because I need to find out the start position to extract data into a list, and the end

I used .readline() to parse file line by line, because I need to find out the start position to extract data into a list, and the end point to pause extracting, then repeat until the end of file. My file to read is开发者_StackOverflow formatted like this:

data block(e.g. 10 cols x 1000 rows) 
... blank line 
data block(e.g. 10 cols x 1000 rows)
... blank line 

let's call this file 'myfile' and my python snippet:

blocknum=0 #number the data block
while True:
       # find the extract begnning
       while not f.readline().startswith('/sign/'):pass
       # creat multidimensional list to store data block
       blocknum +=1

       while line.strip():
       # check if the line is a blank line, i.e the end of one block
               data[blocknum-1].append(["2.6E" %float(x) for x in line.split()])
               line = f.readline()
       print "Read Block %d" %blocknum
       if not f.readline(): break

The running result was that read a 500M file consume almost 2GB RAM, I cannot figure it out, somebody help! Thanks very much!

You have quite a lot of non-pythonic ambiguous lines in your code. I am not sure but think that you can modify your code the following way first and then check it again against memory usage:


with open('myfile','r') as f:
    for line in f:
       # find the extract beginning - think you can add here more parameters to check
       if not line.strip() or line.startswith('/sign/'):
       data.append(["%2.6E" % float(x) for x in line.strip().split()])

But I think that this code will also use quite a lot of memory - however if you don't really need to store all the read data from file you can modify code to use generator expression and proceed file data line by line - this would save your memory i guess.



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