
Insert Unicode string using odata client library for windows phone

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 02:49 出处:网络
I am using Odata client library for windows phone to access my azure sql tables. One problem that I had is to insert Unicode string. When I use sql server management studio, I put a N before that unic

I am using Odata client library for windows phone to access my azure sql tables. One problem that I had is to insert Unicode string. When I use sql server management studio, I put a N before that unicode string in the insert query, the string will show up in the db correctly. However, how can I achieve the same using odata client library programm开发者_运维百科atically. Thanks.

Odata entity properties have a boolean attribute called "Unicode". Make sure it's set to true on the model you're using on the phone for the entity property you're setting, and that the $metadata url of the odata service you're accessing shows the the same entity property setting the unicode attribute to true.



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