
Is there a way to edit a view that is a modal view form sheet in Xcode 4?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 02:55 出处:网络
I made a xib file, but all I c开发者_开发百科an get is either iPad or iPhone view. How can I make it so that the size is the same as a modal view form sheet?If you drag a view onto the Storyboard and

I made a xib file, but all I c开发者_开发百科an get is either iPad or iPhone view. How can I make it so that the size is the same as a modal view form sheet?

If you drag a view onto the Storyboard and connect it with a modal segue, then click on the segue and set it as form sheet style, it will automatically resize the viewController. Then, in the view that's presenting the modal view, implement -prepareForSegue.



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