
DOMPDF 0.5.1 - Fonts not working on live Server

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-25 03:39 出处:网络
I\'ve got DOMPDF 0.5.1 r开发者_StackOverflow社区unning in a Drupal implementation on my localhost (xampp, windows 7) which generates my Pdf\'s just fine.

I've got DOMPDF 0.5.1 r开发者_StackOverflow社区unning in a Drupal implementation on my localhost (xampp, windows 7) which generates my Pdf's just fine. But when i commit this to the live server things go wrong. I get the error: "The font "Futura" contains a bad /BBox" And all text is displayed as dots.

Any idea what might be going on?

The user who starts your webserver i.e. httpd or apache must have read/write access to the font folder as well, that might cause the problem.

Give your webserver write permission on the path specified in DOMPDF_FONT_DIR (lib/fonts by default). Under *nix, ideally you can make the webserver group the owner of this directory and give the directory group write permissions. For example, on Debian systems, Apache runs as the www-data user:

$ chgrp www-data lib/fonts

$ chmod g+w lib/fonts

If your user is not a member of the www-data group or you do not have root privileges, you can make the directory world writable and set the sticky bit:

$ chmod 1777 lib/fonts




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