
Escaping libraries for Java using character streams

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-26 21:58 出处:网络
Are there 开发者_开发技巧any HTML/JavaScript escaping libraries for Java that have a character stream interface?Yes.Caja\'s Escaping class provides escapers that append the escaped text to an Appendab

Are there 开发者_开发技巧any HTML/JavaScript escaping libraries for Java that have a character stream interface?

Yes. Caja's Escaping class provides escapers that append the escaped text to an Appendable for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JavaScript regex content, JSON, and XML. Java Writers implement Appendable as do StringBuilder and StringBuffer.

It also allows escaping JavaScript in a mode that allows it to be embedded in an HTML <script> element or XML CDATA section without further escaping by encoding angle brackets.

 * Given a plain text string writes an unquoted javascript string literal.
 * @param s the plain text string to escape.
 * @param asciiOnly Makes sure that only ASCII characters are written to out.
 *     This is a good idea if you don't have control over the charset that
 *     the javascript will be served with.
 * @param embeddable True to make sure that nothing is written to out that
 *     could interfere with embedding inside a script tag or CDATA section, or
 *     other tag that typically contains markup.
 *     This does not make it safe to embed in an HTML attribute without
 *     further escaping.
 * @param out written to.
public static void escapeJsString(
    CharSequence s, boolean asciiOnly, boolean embeddable, Appendable out)
    throws IOException

and there's a convenient method with the same name but that takes a StringBuilder and does not require you to handle IOException.



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