
box-shadow not working in Safari 5

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-27 03:32 出处:网络
In This code box-shadow: 0 6px 0 #0开发者_如何学Python00000, 0 10px 0 #1578B1; this 0 10px 0 #1578B1;

In This code

box-shadow: 0 6px 0 #0开发者_如何学Python00000, 0 10px 0 #1578B1;


0 10px 0 #1578B1;

Not working in Safari 5.0.5 (Windows)

Any solution

Your code works in the version of Chrome I'm running, so I'd venture to guess it has to do with your version of Safari (which is a little old, by the way).

I recommend adding -webkit-box-shadow: 0 6px 0 #000000, 0 10px 0 #1578B1; after your box-shadow: 0 6px 0 #000000, 0 10px 0 #1578B1; and see what happens. (Best practice actually dictates that the vendor specific code should be before the standard code, but your version of Safari actually appears to be be misbehaving, because it's not ignoring the whole line like it should if it doesn't understand the whole thing.)

If that still doesn't work, turn that second color to something significantly lighter. It's possible is is working, but your monitor is showing the blue too dark and you can't tell the difference.

I've made a fiddle for testing - http://jsfiddle.net/E28CM/1/ . As you can see, I didn't change your box-shadow code, and this code works in the browsers I have.



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