
jQuery $.each() multidimensional JSON array

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-28 14:05 出处:网络
What did I manage do do wrong here? I can\'t see it, through the first $.each it works, get to the second it stops..

What did I manage do do wrong here? I can't see it, through the first $.each it works, get to the second it stops..

var testJSON = {"cluster":[{"node":[{"name":"one", "number":'100', "error":"none"},{"name":"two", "number":'200', "error":"none"},{"name":"three", "number":'300', "error":"found"},{"name":"four", "number":'400', "error":"none"}]}]}

if (testJSON.cluster.length != 0)
    $.each(testJSON.cluster, function(i, clstr)
     开发者_StackOverflow中文版   $('.clusters').append('<ul class="nodes">');
        $.each(clstr.node, function(i, ndes)

Change your code to the following:

if (testJSON.cluster.length != 0) {
    $.each(testJSON.cluster, function(i, clstr) {
        $('.clusters').append('<ul class="nodes"></ul>');
        $.each(clstr.node, function(i, ndes) {
            $('.clusters ul.nodes').append('<li>' + ndes.name + '</li>');

When you append an element, you don't have to later append the closing tag. Also, find cannot be called directly from the jQuery object. You need a selector.

What is $.find, you are getting an exception in the inner loop and then it stops.


Are you looking for the ul which you added in the outer loop? If yes, then use

$('.clusters ul').append('<li>'+ndes.name+'</li>')


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