
Is there a decent command Reference for VBA and Access 97? [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-29 00:00 出处:网络
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Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. It does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.

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Closed 5 years ago.

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I've spent the last weeks looking at some codes @ microsoft's website just to realize that I was looking @ VB.NET code instead of VBA.

Not that I know the diference between them.

But a good ref. library and documentatio开发者_开发百科n would help a lot, something similar to the javadocs.

I've been working with some export functions latetly and I can't find the full command list inside the software.

Any hints? Tips? I'm not a total n00b at the subject and I'm just looking for a good place to start learning more than the basics. But I don't wanna spend another week looking for a command to delete a file or to reorganize a CVS.

Try using the Access 2003 VBA reference. It should be the same for most questions.

Also, there are an incredible number of discussions on other, less-distinguished forums about nearly anything you could want to do in VBA. I've never had trouble finding the answer to specific questions.

There's actually an in-editor API reference using the built-in help. I found it pretty useful back when I was doing VBA. MS has an article about some of the caveats here (mainly, you had to do a full install)

Years earlier it seems that this was an easier question to answer. However here a few links I found relevant to your question. These are fairly easy to find using Google with a query of "Visual Basic 6.0". Please note most of these are for Visual Basic 6.0 which is similar to Visual Basic 5 and of course VBA.

  • Large Collection of VB6 samples/documentation
  • Visual Basic 6 - 'Cheat Sheet'
  • VBA Examples - Including Access '97
  • Sample VB6 code from MSDN


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