
Putting an image into an MKOverlayView in the MapKit in Xcode

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-29 03:18 出处:网络
I want to make a mapkit overlay with a png, but i have no code for it and I cant find any tutorials on it. I am a novice coder, so lots of help would be greatly appreciated!

I want to make a mapkit overlay with a png, but i have no code for it and I cant find any tutorials on it. I am a novice coder, so lots of help would be greatly appreciated!


There are a few things you need to do to get this going:

  1. Create a custom MKOverlayView subclass that actually draws your image.
  2. Add an overlay (an object that implements the MKOverlay protocol) to your MKMapView. Apple provides a number of overlay classes—MKCircle, MKPolygon, etc.—one is likely to be suitable.
  3. Implement the mapView:viewForOverlay: method in your MKMapView's delegate to return an instance of your custom overlay view.

The section Displaying Overlays on a Map in Apple's Location Awareness Programming Guide should help clarify all of these steps. As for drawing the image, have a look at CGContextDrawImage().



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