
CKEditor on focus remove default value

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-29 09:10 出处:网络
For a normal input field i can write something like the below code, which will remove the default value of an input field when i click, and if i dont write anything in the input field, than the defaul

For a normal input field i can write something like the below code, which will remove the default value of an input field when i click, and if i dont write anything in the input field, than the default value will return when i leave the input field.

        if (this.value == this.defaultValue)
            this.value = '';
        if(this.value != this.defaultValue)

        if (this.value == '')
            this.value = this.defaultValue;

But i have no clue how to do this with CKEditor.. Can I get some help.

I found this code which will alert when I click in the CKEditor. But I dont know how modify it to work the way I need.

CKEDITOR.instances['post_content'].on('focus开发者_JAVA技巧', function()

Have you tried this?

CKEDITOR.instances['post_content'].on('focus', function()
    if (this.value == defaultValue)
        this.value = '';

Combining the idea above with [this other SO article][1]:

// delete default text on focus
CKEDITOR.instances['editor1'].on('focus', function () {

    var defaultText = '<p class=\"ckNormal\">Type your comment here</p>';
    var currentText = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getData();

    // debug - removed
    // alert(defaultText + '\n' + currentText);

    if (defaultText.trim()==currentText.trim()) {

You probably won't need to trim the text before testing. This uses getData to find what the text is, and setData to change it.



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