
String.fromCharCode(0) problem - actionscript 2

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-29 20:22 出处:网络
I am trying to convert a bytearray into a string. The problem is whenever I try to append a NULL character using String.fromCharCode(0) it cuts off the e开发者_如何学Cnd of the string and than I cant

I am trying to convert a bytearray into a string. The problem is whenever I try to append a NULL character using String.fromCharCode(0) it cuts off the e开发者_如何学Cnd of the string and than I cant run it throw base64. I tried using String.fromCharCode(32) (space) instead but no luck. Any ideas of how to resolve it? Thanks!

You don't need to convert your data to a string, you can use directly Base64Encoder::encodeBytes to encode your ByteArray.



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