
Error: Unknown Column in 'field list'

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-30 18:16 出处:网络
I receive an error that the column ls.amount is in field list when I run the following query. Can anyone help me diagnose the problem.

I receive an error that the column ls.amount is in field list when I run the following query.

Can anyone help me diagnose the problem.

SELECT c.name, ic.keyword, 开发者_如何学编程COUNT(ic.keyword), SUM(ls.amount), ls.buyer FROM in_clicks AS ic
       INNER JOIN ads AS a ON ic.ad_id = a.id
       INNER JOIN ad_groups AS ag ON a.ad_group_id = ag.id
       INNER JOIN campaigns AS c ON ag.campaign_id = c.id;
       INNER JOIN leads AS l ON (ic.id = l.in_click_id)
       INNER JOIN lead_status AS ls ON (l.id = ls.lead_id)
WHERE ic.create_date LIKE '%2011-08-19%' AND ic.location NOT LIKE '%Littleton%' AND discriminator LIKE '%AUTO_POST%'
GROUP BY ic.keyword ORDER BY COUNT(ic.keyword) DESC

The exact error message is:

Error Code: 1054
Unknown column 'ls.amount' in 'field list'

Drop the semicolon (;) on line 4. I suspect that is ending you query before you can define the ls alias.

SELECT c.name,
FROM   in_clicks AS ic
       INNER JOIN ads AS a
         ON ic.ad_id = a.id
       INNER JOIN ad_groups AS ag
         ON a.ad_group_id = ag.id
       INNER JOIN campaigns AS c
         ON ag.campaign_id = c.id
       INNER JOIN leads AS l
         ON ( ic.id = l.in_click_id )
       INNER JOIN lead_status AS ls
         ON ( l.id = ls.lead_id )
WHERE  ic.create_date LIKE '%2011-08-19%'
       AND ic.location NOT LIKE '%Littleton%'
       AND discriminator LIKE '%AUTO_POST%'
GROUP  BY ic.keyword
ORDER  BY COUNT(ic.keyword) DESC  


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