
DOM and remove tag againnst xss attack way to optimize it?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-31 03:33 出处:网络
A friend of me posted a code about how to p开发者_如何转开发revent xss attack using DOM. What do you think about this code ?

A friend of me posted a code about how to p开发者_如何转开发revent xss attack using DOM.

What do you think about this code ? Can we optimize it ?

    function parseDoc(DOMDocument $codeHtml){
      foreach($forbiddenTag as $tag){
        foreach($liste as $element){

    function stripAttr(DOMNode $root, array $forbiddenAttr){
     foreach($rootl->childNodes as $child){
        foreach($forbiddenAttr as $attr){
          if($child->hasAttribute($attr)) $child->removeAttribute($attr);


This is not the correct way to combat XSS.

You're using a blacklist that will eternally fail to catch all ways to include scripts. For example, you're not catching the onload attribute or javascript: links. Instead, always use DOM methods to construct text nodes and attribute values, and you will be safe by default. If you want to have users allow formatted text, use a whitelist of allowed elements, attributes, and attribute values.



验证码 换一张
取 消
