
IntelliJ - Persistence QL Queries error-check over hibernate queries

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-31 13:22 出处:网络
I have hibernate session query using a class recognized by hibernate. This query runs smoothly but is somehow recognized by IntelliJ IDEA as a Persistence QL Queries error - \"Cant resolve symbol\"

I have hibernate session query using a class recognized by hibernate. This query runs smoothly but is somehow recognized by IntelliJ IDEA as a Persistence QL Queries error - "Cant resolve symbol"

IntelliJ - Persistence QL Queries error-check over hibernate queries

I know how to disable Persistence QL Queries error-check in IntelliJ inspection options开发者_高级运维, but is there a way to avoid the error in some other way?

(I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.3)

It seems IDEA doesn't recognize which or what Descriptor you are using. Check Project Structure -> Facets -> Hibernate. You should have found a cfg.xml file in Descriptors. If you are using package scanning through spring session factory definition,you should have found a session factory bean. If neither of them exists,you may add one.

  1. Check Project Structure -> Facets -> Hibernate 2- if you have not a cfg.xml file, you should add new one.

Check if you have the @Entity annotation in your model



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