
Rich HTML editor in WPF [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-03-31 19:51 出处:网络
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Closed 6 years ago.

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I'm working on a WPF application where we need some rich HTML editing features. The application will typically generate some intitial HTML (tables and such) and present to the user, which in turn could edit before submitting the HTML back to the system. It would be really nice if the user could merge and delete cells in tables.

What I'm really looking for is a WYSIWYG editor, like tinyMCE - only for WPF.

Up until now, I've experimented with converting HTML into a Flow Document, that the user can interact with in Extended WPF Toolkit's RichTextBox, by first converting HTML to XAML.

I'm not very happy with the results, as the XAML code is unable to render the HTML correctly.

My feeling is that someone must have been struggeling with the same problems before me. Any suggestions?


If you are not up to Rich Text Editor, rather pure HTML / XHTML editor then a recent release from SpiceLogic WPF HTML Editor Control could be the one that you may be interested in.


Rich HTML editor in WPF [closed]

Yes, this editor control offers Table Manipulation from Context Menu, like Merge / Delete / Add Cells, Rows, Columns etc.

Rich HTML editor in WPF [closed]

The Telerik wpf rich edit control imports and exports to HTML format making it a way to edit html without relying on a web browser control.

Have a look at this project (now replicated here). It is a wpf rich editor with HTML capabilities

There is an idea and provide source code .Please check the project C# WPF WYSIWYG HTML Editor

Try WPF RichText Editor Control (also available on NuGet).



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