
How to set button on listview based on some conditions

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 00:08 出处:网络
I have a ListView with some text, each row contains different length text and I am using CustomAdapter. I want to add a next button to row which is having long text. When I click on that button it sho

I have a ListView with some text, each row contains different length text and I am using CustomAdapter. I want to add a next button to row which is having long text. When I click on that button it should go to another activity and it should show the full te开发者_Python百科xt of the particular row. I am doing like if the text is long I am making the button Visible on that particular row. My problem how to identify the button on particular row and how to set listener for that button. When I click on a particular button, how to get the particular rows data or position.

setOnClickListener over Button in getView() in your CustomAdapter and from there you will get a call for a particular row button........

in getView() itself you have to set the listener of Button and from getView()'s position variable you can get the index...

//button show
//next activity


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