
SQL Server CE: the file resolves to a path that is too long.

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 00:16 出处:网络
I\'m trying to track down a SQL Server CE issue that means I cannot use SQL Server CE on a local hard drive of my computer. Clearly the error message is a bogus one as the filename is nowhere 开发者_如

I'm trying to track down a SQL Server CE issue that means I cannot use SQL Server CE on a local hard drive of my computer. Clearly the error message is a bogus one as the filename is nowhere 开发者_如何学Cnear 260 chars

The file resolves to a path that is too long.

The maximum length is 260 characters. [ File name = D:\db.sdf ]

Specifically the D: drive. I have a very simple EF code first app that I want to unit test using SQL Server Compact Edition. When I run the app the first time I try to access the database I get the error above. Originally I tried using a simple filename as the Data Source in the connection string:

<add name="MyContext" 
     connectionString="Data Source=db.sdf" 
     providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />

but got the error.

Then I tried specifying the root drive:

<add name="MyContext" 
     connectionString="Data Source=D:\db.sdf" 
     providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />

and got the same error

If I tried using either a network drive or the c drive:

<add name="MyContext" 
     connectionString="Data Source=C:\db.sdf" 
     providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />


<add name="MyContext" 
     connectionString="Data Source=\\Server\path\db.sdf" 
     providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />

The it worked fine and the db was created and the operations performed.

I tried digging around in procmon and all I could find was an Explorer.exe process reporting invalid device for the d: drive.

Any help greatly appreciated



Sounds a bit similar to my problem

I'm using MS Sql Server Management Studio Express R2 SP1...

When I try to create a CE/sdf database on the D:drive it just blinks at me, and asks me for the db path again

I managed to create a CE db on D: via Visual Studio (the inline server manager), but SSMSE still can't access it

If I do it on the C: it works fine.

Bizarre, but I think Sql CE just hates none C drives?



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