
no such file to load -- bundler/setup (Ruby on rails)

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 01:43 出处:网络
I am attempting to g开发者_如何学Cet a rails 3.0.5 app up and running at http://blastoserver.com/. You can see the errors there. (backtrace)

I am attempting to g开发者_如何学Cet a rails 3.0.5 app up and running at http://blastoserver.com/. You can see the errors there. (backtrace)

Any ideas?

Try gem install bundler. If that doesn't work my guess would be that you're using two different ruby or rubygems installations. The user running the webserver does not see the bundler gem.

Make sure you are running "bundle exec ..." for example: "bundle exec rake -T" instead of just "rake -T". This makes sure that you are executing the command in the context of gem bundle.

For more info, look at: http://gembundler.com/

I guess you need 'bundle install' or forget rake db:migrate command.

If seems that it depends on the user. If you run this command on a ssh access as root user make sure not so use the "sudo" in the front. That fixed it for me.



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