
can I use CSS in servlet coding?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 02:44 出处:网络
Is ther开发者_如何学运维e a way to use CSS in servlet coding?Yes! there is a way of using css in servlets. This can be achieved by the following way; First create an object of PrintWriter class, \"Pri

Is ther开发者_如何学运维e a way to use CSS in servlet coding?

Yes! there is a way of using css in servlets. This can be achieved by the following way; First create an object of PrintWriter class, "PrintWriter out=response.getWriter();" after this step you can use "out.print("<html><head><style='text/css'>{}</style></head>")"; inside the curly braces you can write the code for IDs or Classes. After or before of "out.print()" you can write your servlet code. Do not forget to close <html> and other tags.

In case you want to have it relative to the context path you can also write LINK as

<LINK REL="StyleSheet" HREF="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/util/CSS/Style.css" TYPE="text/css"> 

Where, /util/CSS is a folder underneath your context path (e.g. /webapp/examples in case of a typical Tomcat set up).

However, you must make sure that the entire path is accurately typed (i.e. is case sensitive).

Hope this additional clarification helps.

CSS can be used in a Servlet by including styles directly in generated HTML:

try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()) {
  out.println("<!DOCTYPE html>");
  out.println("<meta charset=\"utf-8\">");  // escape the quote marks
  out.println("<title>Glassfish HTML Testing</title>");
  out.println("<style>");     // start style
  // enclose style attributes withing the <style> </style> elements
  out.println("h1 {");        // note leading brace
  out.println("border: 1px solid black;");
  out.println("}");          // note trailing brace for h1 style
  // add styles for other elements here using similar structure
  // note that separate lines are used for clarity -
  // all of the above could be one println
  out.println("</style>");  // terminate style
  out.println("<h1>Servlet located at " + request.getContextPath() + "</h1>");
}  // end of try-with-resources block

The above code should be in the processRequest method of the Servlet (assuming the generated page is appropriate for GET and POST requests)



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