
MingW reporting missing .dll file in Netbeans + Qt

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 02:47 出处:网络
I installed Netbeans 7.0.1 and the Qt SDK and set it up as per the instructions on here. The code builds nicely but w开发者_运维知识库hen I press run I get the following error:

I installed Netbeans 7.0.1 and the Qt SDK and set it up as per the instructions on here. The code builds nicely but w开发者_运维知识库hen I press run I get the following error:

The application failed with exit code -1073741515 (0xc0000135). 
This could indicate that no required .dll was found in the PATH. 
Please try to start the following command from the command shell (cmd.exe). 
This may give some additional information. 

"C:\..." //file location 

RUN FAILED (exit value -1,073,741,515, total time: 35ms)

Any help would be greatly appreciated -Tamas

The problem is that you need some dlls to run the executable, so you have to put them on the local directory in order to run it, and when you finish coding you will have to find a way to make them available to final user, here is a little tutorial made for qt creator that explains it very good, just have in mind that clicking the run button in netbeans it's almost the same than double clicking the executable in the dist/release or dist/debug folder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1BsPQue5-k

You can place the required DLL's in your dist folder (dist/debug/... or dist/release/..., where your exe is), e.g.:

  • QtCore4.dll
  • QtCored4.dll
  • QtGui4Qt
  • Guid4.dll

(You can take them from <Path to Qt>/bin.



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