
Which TD did I click on? jquery

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 03:52 出处:网络
I have a table with some rows and I am using jQuery to apply a click e开发者_运维百科vent to the TRs

I have a table with some rows and I am using jQuery to apply a click e开发者_运维百科vent to the TRs


That works fine. One of the TDs, I have an actual link and when I click the link, I still get the console.log to print out. Is there a way to exit that click function if I am clicking the link?

Call event.stopPropagation();

$('td a').click(function(event) {

This will prevent the parent <tr> element's click event from firing when you click on a link that's within a <td>.

Here's a working example: http://jsfiddle.net/ALUZy/

You should probably add a class type where your method should not be applied

Skip any anchors:

    if (e.target.tagname.toLowerCase() == 'a') 
        return; // Do nothing.

I would change your logic to detect column clicks, and after checking the column that was clicked, execute your console.log on the row.

    if ($(this).not('a')){

You could do something like this:

    if($("a", this).length == 0){
        $(this).click(function(e) {

To only apply that click function to table rows that do not contain anchors. If you want to still apply it to that row, except for the td with the <a>, use $("td").each(...) instead, and $(this).parent().data("rowid"))



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