
Using imap_search filters in PHP

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-01 04:15 出处:网络
I need to filter the mails on the basis of the available headers. I did for \"To\" field using something like \"TO: admin@mysite.com\", but I also n开发者_StackOverflow中文版eed to apply filter to \"

I need to filter the mails on the basis of the available headers.

I did for "To" field using something like "TO: admin@mysite.com", but I also n开发者_StackOverflow中文版eed to apply filter to "From" field, but the from field is dynamic — it can be admin@yoursite.com or support@yoursite.com or any other@yoursite.com domain, so the from field is never the same. So I was wanting to know if there is any "like" filter for "From" field ,or any better solution, so I can set something like "%@yoursite.com" so it will be dynamic?

You can use substring for imap_search function, so the following code should work in your case:

imap_search($conn, 'TO "admin@mysite.com" FROM "@yoursite.com"');

Edit: removed the @ sign from the search.

Edit2: I looked in both the RFC mentioned on the imap_search page, i.e. 2060 and 1176, they don't say nothing about @ sign in the address, neither for any other character which should not be used when searching in addresses.

I tried this code on my mailserver and it does work, so @ is allowed when searching for addresses (it'd be useless if haven't).

$conn   = imap_open('{imap.example.com:993/imap/ssl}INBOX', 'foo@example.com', 'pass123', OP_READONLY);

$some   = imap_search($conn, 'FROM "@example.com"', SE_UID);

So you can definitely use the @, since it will match what you've requested.



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