
Array with all Instances of Objects created with the same function constructor in Javascript

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 16:54 出处:网络
In trying to built a object with a inner propriety in the constructor function that keeps the array with all the objects created with the same constructor.

In trying to built a object with a inner propriety in the constructor function that keeps the array with all the objects created with the same constructor.

I'm thinking that the best way would be with a closure on object initialization and this is how I try to solve this:

    function myObject (name){
        this.allInstances = [];

    myObject.ptototype = {

        init : function(){
            return function(){this.allInstances.push(this.name)};
 开发者_如何学编程       }   

    object1 = new myObject("object1");
    object2 = new myObject("object2");
    console.log(object1.allInstances); // should print ["object1", "object2"]

Does anyone know how to achieve that ? Is that even possible ?

I'm specifically trying to get a solution which uses only function constructor and prototype to achieve that.

I know how to solve that by pushing the proprieties to an external array, like:

    var allInstances = [];
    function myObject (name){

Place the Array as a property on the prototype, and it will be shared among all instances:

function myObject(name) {
    this.name = name;
    this.allInstances.push( this.name );

myObject.prototype.allInstances = [];

object1 = new myObject("object1");
object2 = new myObject("object2");

console.log(object1.allInstances); // ["object1", "object2"]

Or if you want the Array to be more protected, use a module pattern, and include a function on the prototype to return the Array.

var myObject = (function() {
    var allInstances = [];

    function func(name) {
        this.name = name;
        allInstances.push( this.name );

    func.prototype.getAllInstances = function() { return allInstances; };

    return func;

object1 = new myObject("object1");
object2 = new myObject("object2");

console.log(object1.getAllInstances()); // ["object1", "object2"]

You can put your array as a static member of myObject:

function myObject (name) {
myObject.allInstances = [];
myObject.prototype = {
    init: function() {

I don't see where you are calling init(). I added a call to init() in the constructor.

It seems to me this would be easily done like so:

 var MyType = function(name)
      this.name = name;

 MyType.Instances = [];

 MyType.prototype.getInstances = function()
     return MyType.Instances;

 var obj = new MyType('Hello');
 var obj2 = new MyType('hello 2');


Would this do?

function myObject(name) {
    this.name = name;

myObject.allInstances = [];

object1 = new myObject("object1");
object2 = new myObject("object2");


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