
Display content around an image's onhover event?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 19:36 出处:网络
I was trying to do something similar to movies.com, like they do with their movie posters here, http://www.movies.com/new-releases

I was trying to do something similar to movies.com, like they do with their movie posters here, http://www.movies.com/new-releases

When you hover a poster, a tooltip/popup appears with all the necessary information around the poster images.

For me it will includes 开发者_JS百科the artist/band, description, iTunes, genre, Rating, and PosterImage.

I've been working in Javascript, but I literally don't have a clue. I've noticed all their script tags or tooltip html is inside the textarea.

If anyone was able to do something like or know, I would appreciated all the help.

i think this is what you are looking for.. its better to use a library instead of building one on your own...

You need to understand mouse event handling for the same. This jQuery tutorial link should help. Look into the mouseover event. You can also use the jQuery tooltip feature....

Here is how I would do it. It's not perfect but it will hopefully put you in a right path. When you hover on a div, I'll capture the postion of that div. Then fade in a div below that object with lower z-index. then I will append it's information to that div and use the postion coordinates that I found earlier to postion the #infodiv relative to the div you've just hovered. Then when you mouse off the infodiv we will hide it. You can find a working example here: http://jsfiddle.net/QWNmP/1/

$(document).ready(function() {

        var $el = $(this);
        var info = $el.find('.info').html();

        var BoxPostion = $(this).position();
          if ($('#infodiv').css('display') == 'none') {   


    $('#infodiv').mouseleave(function() {



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