
Drupal 7, Not sure how to theme my output correctly from query data

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 20:29 出处:网络
I’ve been using Views to selectively returned nodes, but right now I want to return my nodes and use the Taxonomy term as a group header. I can\'t see anyway to get Views to do this for me, other the

I’ve been using Views to selectively returned nodes, but right now I want to return my nodes and use the Taxonomy term as a group header. I can't see anyway to get Views to do this for me, other then create multiple views on one page.

So I thought I'd right a module. I've written the SQL to return the correct nodes, but I can't work out how to send them to the themeing engine p开发者_如何学运维roperly. I would like some advice on how to go about this, my tutorial book has examples of building a list as shown below.

foreach ($result as $row2) {
$items[]  = l($row2->title,'node/'.$row2->nid.'/edit');
return array('#markup' => theme('item_list',array('items' => $items)));

now I want to return my nodes attached image file in Teaser mode, and the title of the node, plus (and I dont want to get ahead of myself) I may also want a couple of the addition node fields appended to the title. Should be easy right? I can't work it out at all.

I have wrangled my way around it (a bit) by using what I'm sure is a non drupal method which looks a bit like this, trouble is I can't get my output to work with ColorBox module, so I'm thinking if I can get official Teaser node data out it might work better, and i'd feel better knowing I was doing things in a drupaly way :)

foreach ($result as $row2) {
$items .= '<img title="'.$row2->title.' '.$row2->fielddata.'" alt="'.$row2->title.'" src="http://localhost/theme/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/field/image/'.$row2->filename .'"></a>';
$items .= '</div></div></div></div>';                       
return array('#markup' => $items);

Really appreciate any time you take to help me out and thanks in advance.

The following code should help. If you don't already have it, install the devel module, it gives you a wonderful function called dpm() which will print the contents of an array/object to the messages area.

// Get some nodes ids
$nids = db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node}')->fetchCol();

// Load up the node objects
$nodes = node_load_multiple($nids);

// This will print the node object out to the messages area so you can inspect it to find the specific fields you're looking for

// I guess you'll want to do something like this:
$terms = array();

foreach ($nodes as $node) {
  // Load the taxonomy term associated with this node. This will be found in a field as this is how taxonomy terms and nodes are related in D7
  $term = taxonomy_term_load($node->field_vocab_name['und'][0]['tid']);

  // Set up the array
  if (!isset($terms[$term->name])) {
    $terms[$term->name] = array();

  // Create some markup for this node
  $markup = '<h3>' . l($node->title . ' ' . $node->field_other_field['und'][0]['value'], "node/$node->nid") . '</h3>';

  // Add an image
  $image = theme('image', array('path' => $node->field_image['und'][0]['uri'], 'alt' => $node->title));
  $markup.= $image;

  // Add the markup for this node to this taxonomy group's list
  $terms[$term->name][] = $markup;

// Make up the final page markup
$output = '';
foreach ($terms as $term_name => $node_list) {
  $output .= '<h2>' . check_plain($term_name) . '</h2>';
  $output .= theme('item_list', array('items' => $node_list));

return $output;

Hope that helps

You can get views to group the returned nodes by the taxonomy term for you. Assuming you are using a field view type, just add the taxonomy field and then where it says Format:Unformatted list | Settings click on Settings at the right hand side and choose your taxonomy field as the grouping field.

Note: if you are not using a field view type, or if you are not using unformatted list then the instructions will be a variation of the above.



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