
How to clear preview frame from surface after stopPreview

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-02 22:53 出处:网络
When I call stopPreview on my camera, the last frame remains on the surfaceview. How do I clear it, to black for example?

When I call stopPreview on my camera, the last frame remains on the surfaceview. How do I clear it, to black for example?

I tried setBackGroundColor, setVisib开发者_如何学编程ility but neither make a difference. I assume because it is of type PUSH_BUFFER.


Did you try the following? On your surface view, override the onDraw with something like this:

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

   if (m_stopped) // Set it to true when you stop the preview.

You might need to call invalidate() after you stop the preview in order to make sure the onDraw is called.

Thanks Lior,

Unfortunately, I made a schoolboy error and assumed 0 was black when using setBackGroundColor.

Having actually read the docs this is transparent so am now using Color.BLACK which works as expected.



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