
Is Google Chrome supporting socket.io?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-03 09:55 出处:网络
I am making a small multiplayer game using node.js and socket.io on my laptop. Occasionally, when I want to test some multiplayer features I log into the game using my PC (the PC and the laptop are co

I am making a small multiplayer game using node.js and socket.io on my laptop. Occasionally, when I want to test some multiplayer features I log into the game using my PC (the PC and the laptop are connected to a LAN network). Socket.io connects to my router's IP (196. ...) and the port 8080. Everything worked well until today, and when I just wanted to see how it worked before I changed anything - suddenly it didn't. I first opened Google Chrome on my laptop and log in, that worked OK. Then, I opened Google Chrome on my PC and tried to connect, and it didn't work. First, the user enters his name and password to a form and clicks a login button, which calls this function:

          login = function()
               var n = document.forms['logn']['name'].value;
               var p = document.forms['logn']['password'].value;              

            var socket = io.connect("");
            socket.emit("login", {n: n, p: p});

            socket.on("got", function(data){
        开发者_开发问答         if (data.good)
                      main(socket, n)
                      alert("Failed to log in.");

When I the function get's called, nothing happens. I have noticed that the server logs messages similar to this:

setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/

But xhr-polling is more often than websocket. This is all I know for now, also, everything works OK on Firefox, so I think it's a problem with Google Chrome.

server logs when I try to log in from the PC:

debug - served static /socket.io.js debug - client authorized

info - handshake authorized 30836340583773206

debug - setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/30836340583773206

debug - set heartbeat interval for client 30836340583773206

debug - client authorized for

debug - setting request GET /socket.io/1/xhr-polling/30836340583773206?t=1315509666877

debug - setting poll timeout

debug - discarding transport

debug - cleared heartbeat interval for client 30836340583773206

debug - served static /socket.io.js

I just had exactly the same issue.

I could handshake, and authenticate through Chrome but any emits were not being correctly handled on the client (although Socket.io was sending them).

Log in to your server and update socket.io.

$> npm ls will tell you the latest version of your installed modules. In my instance I was running:

├─┬ express@2.4.6 
│ ├── connect@1.6.2 
│ ├── mime@1.2.2 
│ └── qs@0.3.1 
├── iniparser@1.0.3 
├── jsonrpc@0.1.1 
├── jsonrpc-ws@0.0.3 
├── jsonrpc2@0.0.6 
├─┬ mysql@0.9.3 
│ └─┬ hashish@0.0.4 
│   └── traverse@0.5.1 
└─┬ socket.io@0.7.9 
  ├── policyfile@0.0.4 
  ├── redis@0.6.6 
  └─┬ socket.io-client@0.7.9 
    ├── uglify-js@1.0.6 
    ├── websocket-client@1.0.0 
    └── xmlhttprequest@1.2.2 

You can see that socket.io@0.7.9 is old. This also means that it doesn't have the latest ws:// websocket protocol update.

So in order to fix it, just run :

$> npm update socket.io express


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