
Network setup, SSH connection timeout with AWS and .pem

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-03 18:55 出处:网络
I\'m trying to log into my AWS server via SSH, it\'s set up with a .pem permissions file for extra 开发者_开发技巧security, I\'ve added my IP to the security groups correctly, but when I try to connec

I'm trying to log into my AWS server via SSH, it's set up with a .pem permissions file for extra 开发者_开发技巧security, I've added my IP to the security groups correctly, but when I try to connect, I get an operation timeout.

I thought maybe the Network settings were blocking outbound SSH, but I could connect to another server, this one didn't have any .pem file, only usual password.

I'm wondering if the network handles connections differently with a .pem file ?

The fact I can connect to SSH on this other server, I'm assuming the network outbound connection is handled differently maybe by the firewall when a permissions file is involved.

Any suggestions ?

What is the output when you try the following:

ssh -vvv -i foobar.pem user@my-amazon-host


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