
How to debug F#/Nemerle mono application under Linux?

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-04-04 03:03 出处:网络
I recently discovered Nemerle and F#, but I can\'t find any way to debug my applications. MonoDevelop 2.6 lacks support of Nemerle and F#, 2.4.2 and earlier crashes because of newer gnome-sharp lib开发

I recently discovered Nemerle and F#, but I can't find any way to debug my applications. MonoDevelop 2.6 lacks support of Nemerle and F#, 2.4.2 and earlier crashes because of newer gnome-sharp lib开发者_如何学Python is installed (I'm running up-to-date Arch Linux kernel-3.0 64-bit). Command-line mono debugger refuses to start saying "platform not supported". So few questions about this situation:

It is possible to debug mono applications using gdb without going on low-level (inside vm or so) ? How comfortable to use F# REPL for interactive development without debugger (compared to Common Lisp or Haskell's GHCi)?

I use the F# Interactive environment to write F# code most of the time. Even with Visual Studio, the F# Interactive environment doesn't (reasonably) support debugger, so I mainly rely on the ability to easily run something interactively and see if it works - if it doesn't, it is usually easy to split into sub-components that can be tried interactively too. The great thing about F# Interactive, compared to for example GHCi, is that you can use it to evaluate pretty much anything - including type declarations.

The F# plugin for MonoDevelop 2.4 doesn't currently support debugging of compiled F# applications. I was able to use command line Mono debugger (mdb, I think), but that was on 32bit system.

I'm not sure why MonoDevelop doesn't correctly pick F# debug symbols, so this is most likely some basic bug. There are a few poeple working on F# plugin for MD 2.6, so that should hopefully be available soon. If anybody wanted to investigate why the debugging doesn't work, that would be great...

Nemerle has great IDE support under Windows with Visual Studio and #Develop, better than F#, but there is nothing for Linux, as far as I know.

You can easily debug Nemerle in MonoDevelop. Just convert pdb to mono format using pdb2mdb tool: http://www.mono-project.com/Guide:Debugger Than just debug your application, and you get correct locations.

I even managed to debug Nemerle compiler using this trick.

About Linux and Nemerle : Nemerle got Vim bindings, Kwrite/Kate and some other editors got ntive Nemerle support. You can also add compiler option to any editors in Linux. Nemerle compiler is just works !

Nemerle MonoDevelop support in developing but really slow. F# got outdated MonodeVelop support as @Tomas said but what about new MonoDevelop ? PowerPack ? F# 3 ? That is complex task I think so.

Nemerle is OpenSource project. And I'm not sure about F# 3. I like F# but it's always behind the Microsoft hand. You are free to try both.



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